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Are your Genetics Impacting Glute Growth?


When it comes to improving strength and building muscle, genetics is a HUGE variable that is massively disregarded.

As we know, no one person is the same shape and size. This also comes for how you BUILD that shoe and size.

One research study found that in a sample of the general population, muscle volume varied from 238circular cm to 638circular cm in women, and a variation of 198-958 circular cm in men.

In relation to how people respond to training?....

One study assessed how 585 untrained subjects responded to 12 weeks of strength training. The exact same program elicited massive differences - ranging from a loss of -2% muscle and no strength gains, to a gain of 59% muscle and 250% gain in strength. Ultimately, this signifies that building muscle is never a one size fits all approach - hence, your favourite influencers program that promises you a big bank might not be suitable for your growth

While these studies highlight the role of genetics and differences among individuals, the study didn’t allow for individual differences, such as biofeedback (adjusting training to how you feel). Some of my clients despise hip thrusts and for that reason we utilise other exercises!

Just because someone starts with little muscle doesn’t mean they don’t have the genetics to build, similarly, just because someone you seen in the gym has big glutes doesn’t mean that they have genetically larger glutes. “Sure, your rate of progress is partially determined by your genetics, but smart training, patience, and consistency will always produce results over a long enough period” - Contreras, 2019.

Regardless of your genetics, it’s important you maximise the variables you can control. Sleep, diet, exercise selection and training frequency. You HAVE to discover the best stimulus and methods of training for YOU and YOUR body.

You can’t chose your genetics nor can you change them. But, you can chose to train smart and work hard!

(Studies and info cited in Contreras, B., 2019. Glute lab. Chapter 7: the role of genetics. Pp 75-78.)

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